Turquoise treasure of Valmiera

6. August, 2015

Valmiera celebrates the town’s birthday every year in the midst of summer. The streets are full of smiling people then, various artists perform, craftsmen and tradesmen arrive, and festivities and fun last for three days. This year, the holiday saw a tradition renewed: a festive procession through the city. The procession’s motive was „Valmiera takes pride”, and it summoned representatives of more than 50 companies and organisations.

The staff of JSC Valmieras stikla šķiedra stood out brilliantly, being present with almost 200 employees. The participants were delighted by warm-hearted and positive exclamations from the public and greetings to the company and its employees, while inhabitants and guests of Valmiera had the chance to watch the company’s electromobiles carrying the employee’s children along the procession.