Direct roving

Direct roving is yarn of fiberglass filaments that is bonded in one strand and directly would on a bobbin without a twist.

Direct roving is made of E-type glass with maximum alkali content of <1.0 %. A thread usually consists of 1200 to 2400 endless fibres. Glass roving is a raw fiberglass material with a wide range of use. Direct roving is suitable for use in various textile technologies, filament winding, weaving, texturizing, pultrusion, multi-axial weaving, and others.

Key properties of the direct roving are: good abrasion resistance, high tensile strength, good warping and weaving properties, easy to impregnate.

Direct roving
(E-glass 600º C)

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Technical data:

  • Moisture  content: < 0.15%,
  • L.O.I.: 0.35 – 0.8%.


  • Direct roving is manufactured in the shape of cylindrical bobbins with unwinding. Dimensions of bobbins: height - 255±5 mm, diameter - 280±5 mm.
  • The bobbins are individually wrapped in a stretch film.
  • Each bobbin block is wrapped by machine shrink foil and transported on a pallet.

Designation: e.g. EC14-300 500
EC - Type of glass (E-glass),
14 - Filament diameter, µm,
300 - Linear density, tex (weight of 1000m in grams),
500 - Sizing.


Direct roving
(HR-glass 800º C)

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HR-glass (High-Resist) is alkali-free aluminosilicate glass that does not contain boron oxide. This glass type could fully substitute E-glass in various aspects. The most important feature of this type of glass is its heat resistance of up to 800°C.

Advantages of HR glass fibre compared to E-glass:

  • higher chemical resistance, particularly in alkaline and water environments;
  • higher heat resistance;
  • environmentally friendlier glass melting process - does not create dust emissions containing boron oxide.